ABC Daycare/Preschool
PoliciesFinancial Policy
Parents are required to pay half their tuition on the first of every month and then the other half on the 15th to keep it current each month.
Billings can be picked up at the school. Check over the billing carefully, bringing any error to the attention of the book-keeper. Parents may request that their billing be emailed. Make all checks payable to ABC Daycare / Preschool.
We do accept DHS payments. Copays are to be paid half on the first of the month and half on the 15th of each month.
Tuition and Fees:
Preschool / Daycare: $6.50 per hour.
ABC Daycare / Preschool is a non-profit facility with a deep commitment to serve each family’s needs in an affordable way. In our present day of a changing economy, our prices are subject to vary as well.
Operational Policy
Hours and Days of Operation:
ABC Daycare / Preschool hours are 7:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Thursday. We are closed during the six major holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Friday after, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. The sign-in sheet must be recorded when your child arrives and whenever the child leaves the facility. Please write legibly so no error is made in computing the time. All children are to be taken to a staff member before the parent leaves. Do not remove any child from the facility without informing a staff member.
Children should wear sturdy, washable clothing. They should be dressed warmly enough to play outside. In hot weather, tank tops and shorts may be worn. No spaghetti straps, backless shirts, bare tummies, etc. We also recommend no flip-flops. A sweater or sweatshirt is needed daily except in the summer. Please label all items. The school will not be responsible for any lost articles of clothing. Each child must have a change of clothes which can be kept in the child’s backpack. For those children wearing pull-ups please bring them and wipes and an ample supply of disposable vinyl gloves for in case of an accident. Children should be potty trained.
Toys and Personal Items:
Children are asked not to bring their personal toys or treasures. The school will not be responsible for them if they are broken or lost. Guns, war toys, monsters, etc. are forbidden in the Center. Please label all your children’s items including lunch boxes and backpacks.
Rest Time:
A special stuffed animal (for younger children) and a small blanket may be used at rest time. Every child has a cot upon which to rest quietly. Cots are sanitized each day. Rest items replaced in backpack.
Parents will be responsible for sending a lunch with their child for the noon meal. Please consider a nutritious lunch for your child. ABC children are learning about the food pyramid and the importance of fruits and vegetables in place of junk food and soda opo. A refrigerator is available for storing the lunches. Milk is provided without cost. ABC has a microwave to heat food. No leftovers! Children are not to share their lunches with other children.
A morning and afternoon snack will be provided, serving from two of the four major food groups.
Parents are welcome to provide birthday treats for their child. Notify the teacher in advance. CCD recommends that treats are not prepared in the home.
Head Checks:
Children’s heads are checked frequently to protect ABC from head lice. If your child has nits or head lice, the parent must remove the child immediately and the child is to be nit free before returning the child to ABC. Our teachers check the child’s head before entering back into our program.
Since different children come each day, no names are specified in the cubbies. Cubbies must be vacated daily for disinfecting purposes. This cleaning helps to protect your child from possible head lice and other germs.
Log Book:
Special information during the day is recorded in the log book. Parents may be asked to write down information in this book for the other teachers. Children’s inappropriate behavior may be recorded here for parents’ awareness and discussion.
Our Center does not provide transportation. Students riding school buses must fill out the necessary form concerning arrivals and departures.
ABC Daycare / Preschool accepts the responsibility to care for parents most prized possession; their children. In regturn, this daycare places their trust in these parents to meet their monthly commitments on time to ensure a stable base for our facility. This unity of action will help provide a safe and comfortable environment where the whole child can develop naturally.
Discipline Policy
ABC Daycare / Preschool strives to provide a variety of learning experiences and activities that interest the child, helping to eliminate boredom and aggressive behavior. Kindness and consideration of the rights of others are important ingredients to success in any program where there is continual interaction with individuals of different temperaments.
Within the circle of a nurturing daycare center, children from varying backgrounds don’t always blend harmoniously. When this occurs, informed staff members must consider circumstances that may have contributed to any disruption as well as the immediate problem. If a child refuses to arrive at a workable solution, choosing to display further inappropriate behavior, then the child is placed in “timeout”, giving him/her an opportunity to regain his/her composure and reflect upon a possible solution available within the framework of the daycare policies.
The staff member will then discuss the problem again, encouraging the child to make a right choice. Before the child leaves “timeout”, it is very important that the problem has been solved satisfactorily and he/she is assured of the staff member’s acceptance.
Sometimes, timeout is not an effective solution because the inappropriate behavior continues. In this situation the staff uses safe, natural consequences that are more effective. Nearly all children respond to these and the child can remain at ABC.
- If the child keeps throwing pea-gravel…
- Solution: Have the child fill a cup with pea-gravel that they collect off of the blacktop.
- If the child continues to ram other trikes and cars…
- Solution: They park their vehicle.
- If the child continues hitting…
- Solution: We place child in an (open) area away from other children (isolation) and they will be monitored by a teacher until he/she is ready to be safe with other children and is able to return to the group.
Admission Policies/Requirement
ABC Daycare / Preschool is licensed by the State of Oregon and is operated by the Sheridan Seventh-day Adventist Church. ABC is certified to accept children between the ages of 2 ½ through 12 years of age. No discrimination in providing the services will be exercised on the basis of race, religion, creed, or national origin. Priority in the program is determined by the individual needs of a family. ABC staff has observed during these 30+ years of operation that some older children have “outgrown” this program and would benefit from another program that fits their age and needs. ABC and the families of children ages 10 – 12 will be evaluated to come to some agreement.
An interview and tour of the school will be held with the parent and child regarding the admission of the prospective student. A parent is welcome to visit any area of the daycare at any time during business hours. No registration fee is required before entering the ABC facility but each child is required to have proof of an up-to-date immunization record.
Parents are responsible for keeping the school informed as to change of address and other important facts. All files are to be updated in August except for the new enrollments during the summer months. Unauthorized children are not permitted on the school grounds during school hours.
Illness procedure: If a child shows symptoms of illness during the day, a parent will be notified so that arrangements can be made for the child to be promptly removed from the center.
Emergency procedure: In case of illness or accident, the Director will contact the parent or 911. If unable to reach the parents, she shall first call the family physician. If the family physician is unavailable, she shall take the child to the emergency hospital. In any event, the parent shall be responsible for any medical expense. A written record is kept in the children’s file; minor scrapes are reported in a notebook elsewhere for all parents to see and sign.
Prescribed medications: Medications will be administered only with the written consent and directions from the child’s doctor or parent. Over the counter medications will require a parents written consent, also. Sunscreen is provided by the parent and should be applied prior to attending ABC. A form is required for any extra applications of sunscreen to sensitive children. The form will be available at the Center for such information. Please keep all medications in their original containers, with the updated information. Parents must give all medications to a teacher. No medications are to be transported to school in lunch boxes or backpacks including cough drops and vitamins.