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A quality daycare / preschool program cannot be successful without the cooperation of staff, child, and parent. Staff members need to consider each unique child and his/her family that is requesting to become a part of the facility.

Although most children fit into a new facility quickly, some do not. There have been occasions when some children choose to ignore necessary social rules that are not to their liking; resorting to tantrums, name calling, and aggression. The staff will work with the child and encourage appropriate behavior, but if he/she continues to display negative behavior, he/she will be asked to leave the facility for one, several days, or up to a few weeks. Many times this suspension helps the child understand clearly that the staff intends to maintain a safe school where appropriate behavior is expected and, when he/she returns, will listen and follow the rules here. In extreme cases, the child may be permanently dismissed if he/she refuses to cooperate. ABC has a responsibility to protect the other children in its care.

Staff, child and parents need to work closely together, supporting one another so the child can work through this experience in a positive way that will richly benefit the child. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask a staff member for clarification.